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Westport Week 4 and Portland

We reached the halfway point of our winter work period. Maggie, Ioana, and Lina continued to work in mechanical, fairing, and electrical, respectively. Maggie learned how to use a jigsaw and hole saw in the mechanical shop; Ioana sanded the propellers of the 77 yacht; and Lina helped wire the steering system (she made the other workers jealous by having the privilege of a walkie-talkie).

The launch date for the 77 model is quickly approaching, and all the crews are finalizing installations. The boat is coming together, with many people working extra hours and weekends to meet the deadline. Lina watched the mechanical and electrical crews run-test the main engines for the first time. We unfortunately will not be able to board the boat for sea trials, but we can go see the boat launch.

Next week, the three of us are switching to new departments. Maggie will move on to fairing, Ioana will join the plumbing crew, and Lina will go to the mechanical department.

On Friday, not more than two blocks from the yard, we had to pull over because of a flat tire. Desperate for assistance, since not one of us knows how to change a tire, we walked back to the yard and caught four late workers as they were clocking out. They very generously helped us out. We promised them rewards from Voodoo Doughnuts, a dessert place in Portland (our destination for the weekend) that was recommended by many Westport workers.

On Saturday morning, we drove to Portland and started at Powell's City of Books, one of the largest new and used bookstores in the world. We wandered around the labyrinthine shop, stopping at the Rare Book Room to look at first editions, signed copies, and some of the oldest existing books.

We then had lunch at Little Big Burger, which had truffle oil fries and classic rock playing in the background.

We wandered the streets, stopping for drinking chocolate near the Heathman Hotel.

 Lina posed on a swing set at a clothes store.

At Pioneer Courthouse Square, we went to the visitor's center for a map, but left with free all-day passes to public transportation. We immediately took advantage of it and headed to the Northwest district, where the information guide told us the streets were cool to walk along.

 Deep in concentration

After our stroll, we needed a dessert break. We went to TartBerry, where we were blown away by the frozen yogurt, whimsical decor, and overwhelming number of toppings.

Our next stop came from an impulsive thought we had the day before: pierce our ears. Maggie and Lina wanted to get second lobe piercings, and Portland was as good a place as any. We drove to Adorn Body Art, a tattoo and piercing studio located in a big turquoise house with Buddhist sculptures and murals around it. After picking our jewelry and filling out our paperwork, we waited until Brit, who is super cool, took us to the room and pierced our ears.

Does Lina look nervous? 

 How about now?

Brit helped Maggie and Lina keep their cool.

Ears freshly impaled, we decided to celebrate with a roller disco. At Oak's Amusement Park, we laced up our in-line skates and joined a lot of (much more skilled) Portlandians on the rink for the rest of the night.

This was Maggie's favorite part of the weekend, obviously.

On Sunday, we got very lucky with the weather: it didn't rain, and the sun was out for most of the day. We headed to the Lan Su Chinese Garden, which, despite being set in the middle of the Old Town district, was extremely calm, quiet, and tranquil.

 The garden is meant to stimulate all your senses- the uneven rocks appeal to your sense of touch

We took the train downtown to the Portland Art Museum, which housed classical and contemporary art, as well as an exhibit on Laika, the stop-motion production company. 

 Having experienced the MTA system all her life, Lina is extremely jealous of Portland's public transportation.

 Lina dabbed in front of museum-goers solely to embarrass Maggie and Ioana

For lunch, we took advantage of Portland's renowned food cart scene. Ioana had Korean pork, Maggie had spaghetti, and Lina had bratwurst.

Lina's bratwurst and sunset drink

With the sunlight dwindling, we stopped at Pioneer Place mall for some shopping, and finally made our way to Voodoo Doughnuts. As promised, we purchased donuts for the four workers who changed our tire as well.

Ioana ordered a Homer, Maggie had the Old Dirty Bastard, and Lina had the Bacon Maple Bar.

One Bacon Maple, two Homers, and one Voodoo Doll for the Westport fellas

Our weekend in Portland was chock-full of great food, great views, and great experiences. We drove back to Westport immensely satisfied and ready for the week.

Stay tuned for more Washington adventures!


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